Saturday, 20 February 2021

'TransFORMation' Journey - #2

In the previous post focused on Formation*, I touched on the fact that nature is dormant but that is only figuratively. Matter left unattended to will deteriorate over time. A lake will degrade per time and the discoloration plus smelly odor are symptomatic of material decay. One can be as useful as a tissue paper or as useless as a decayed root of a lifeless plant, life goes on irrespective. However, nothing compares to being useful, impactful and inspiring. Man can produce fine features because he or she have capacity to manage or moderate inter-play of internal and external forces for common good. In this write-up, we shall focus on Deformity and internal Deformation process.

Arguably, a perfect world is an imperfect expectation. Intrinsic in nature are traces of imperfection in different shades, shapes, or forms. Perhaps a good analogy is the presence of defects in metals or crystals such as point or linear defects. The most fascinating for me in undergraduate days was "interstitial impurity atoms". In material science, deformation is the change in form or shape due to an applied force. When reversible, it is called elastic deformation otherwise it is called plastic deformation. Deformation may either be good or bad – it depends. Put to good use, industrial/manufacturing process includes deformation process to transform solid materials from initial form into esteemed final products with desired geometry and within acceptable tolerances. The value added is worth what customers are willing to pay to acquire the product.

There are many other instances where deformities are more pronounced and controversial. For example, living beings could be disfigured as a result of genetic condition, accidents, willful acts or unhealthy lifestyle. In a nutshell, things that “seems not so good” happens to us sometimes. Call it defects, disability or degradation all comes under deformity. Despite being physically challenged, folks like Nick Vujicic - who was my inspiration for deeper understanding of “internal deformation process” -, Ibrahim Hamadtou (outstanding table tennis player without arms) and Tony Melendez (incredible guitarist born without arms) and others too numerous to mention have validated man’s ability to defy impossibilities.  These are men who through internal deformation process have turned their disabilities into ingenious abilities on a global stage. They have become role models of impossible possibilities.

We function in teams whether formally or informally. Therefore, the greatest undoing in a team after formation is allowing deformity to set in. Deformity in this context occur when at least one member of the team is disengaged. Leaders will do well to learn and hone techniques of identifying disengaged personnel and re-engineering them through internal deformation process that turns them around for success. Realizing that each member of the team has unique attributes and something to offer helps the leader foster cohesion, harmony and dedicated focus where engagement ratio tends to 1:1 (approx..). This is a tall order and arguably, the most important call of Leadership.

* #1 -

Thursday, 11 February 2021

‘TransFORMation’ Journey - #1

Few years ago, I sat back to dig into the subject of transformation and what I learnt will be shared in snippets in this series. Everything starts from form. For a living thing, it’s the ‘seed’. It is then not surprising that the stage when character is being formed is referred to as “formative stage”. Literarily, form can be defined as shape, visual appearance or configuration of an object. It could also depict the essence of something or the mode in which it exists. From genetic transformation to business transformation or digital transformation to mention but few, “form” is at the core.

Knowledge is progressive but principles are timeless, changeless and unforgiven when flouted. Being time tested, the interesting fact about principles is that ignorance is not an excuse. Everything we are or know in the universe are compendiums of energy and associated attributes such as frequencies and vibrations. There are two fundamental laws of reference here - the Newton’s First Law of Motion and the First Law of Thermodynamics. Together, they explained the rationale of a physical entity remaining in a state perpetually until it is converted from one form to other form(s).

Armed with the knowledge about “forms of energy”, our capacities and capabilities to envision and deliver wonders are limitless. There is nothing new in this material world. Matter is all that matters. It takes the operation of a dynamic force or creative force to change something from one form to another. The most important element in the creative lifecycle is the incipient form of the entity and the second is the capacity of an external entity or process to change its state. We are incapable of creating something out of nothing. Raw material would always be necessary and so are agents of energy "transitions" from one form to another.

It is the interplay of nature and nurture that help shape our development as individuals and our outlook towards sustainable environment. Nurturing is where leadership is crucial. Nature by itself is dormant. It is noteworthy that whereas the initial form of a thing or organization may be good, whether it turns out better or worse depends on who is leading the way. A leader is a model of character and moral values. If you leave a place better than you met it as a matter of principle, then you are building your “good role model muscle”. In summary, the process of “changing for the better” starts with initial form and ends in good formation with the right leadership in place. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Got Born - #1

It's funny how names or titles evolve. From "Eureka Effect" [] to "Born or Got" [] and now "Got Born", the convention is about continuous improvement. The nuggets compiled here-in are the 3rd in the series of “Group of Ten - G.O.T” - “Block of Refreshing Nuggets – B.O.R.N”.

1. Truthfully controversial: God will not change a people who are set in their own ways unless they change unto Him. Sustainable change starts from within rather than without. #Nugget21

2. Critical questioning: The fact that you can't answer that question doesn't mean you should give up on finding the answer. We advance in leaps and bounds when enlightened in our dark areas. Never give up! #Nugget22

3. Garbage in, Garbage out: Feed your mind with nourishing thoughts and guard your heart against frivolous and unprofitable external stimulus. This is the era of choice between good and evil. Choose and maintain your lane. #Nugget23

4. Consciously aware: Words can be mathematically nuanced with either artistic or empirical deduction. For example, "Misuse, Abuse and Disuse" + "Not Effectively Salvaging Situations" = M.A.D.N.E.S.S #Nugget24

5. Music and passion for Christ: Beyond tribes, clans, ethnicity, race, colour or creed, Music reigns. From a poem in 1843 - "Minuit Chretiens" - by Placide Cappeau, to Adolph Adam's adaptation to music and John Dwight's translation to English, the song "O Holy Night" remains enduring. Covet enduring legacies....Merry Christmas! #Nugget25

6. Worthy or not? - Earning trust is hard work. He or she misses the point who craves for trust without integrity. Trust is bestowed on the trustworthy. #Nugget26

7. Failing Forward: Gleaned seven (7) lessons from J.C Maxwell. Reject rejection, Don't point fingers, See failure as temporary, Set realistic expectations, Focus on strengths, Vary approaches to accomplishment and Bounce Back. #Nugget27

8. What a year? - We wiggled through the theatrics and tantrums of 2020 triumphantly. Despite toils and sweats, sour and sweet moments, we travailed. We hereby await the brand new 2021 with bright hope. Happy New Year! #Nugget28

9. It's a brand new year. Please be nicely kind in personality and Keep Investing in New Discoveries (K.I.N.D). #Nugget29

10. From "Be Kind" - Humility is the hallmark of greatness. It is the blank slate upon which the chalk of kindness thrives. Where kindness rules, the people rejoice. #Nugget30