Saturday, 20 February 2021

'TransFORMation' Journey - #2

In the previous post focused on Formation*, I touched on the fact that nature is dormant but that is only figuratively. Matter left unattended to will deteriorate over time. A lake will degrade per time and the discoloration plus smelly odor are symptomatic of material decay. One can be as useful as a tissue paper or as useless as a decayed root of a lifeless plant, life goes on irrespective. However, nothing compares to being useful, impactful and inspiring. Man can produce fine features because he or she have capacity to manage or moderate inter-play of internal and external forces for common good. In this write-up, we shall focus on Deformity and internal Deformation process.

Arguably, a perfect world is an imperfect expectation. Intrinsic in nature are traces of imperfection in different shades, shapes, or forms. Perhaps a good analogy is the presence of defects in metals or crystals such as point or linear defects. The most fascinating for me in undergraduate days was "interstitial impurity atoms". In material science, deformation is the change in form or shape due to an applied force. When reversible, it is called elastic deformation otherwise it is called plastic deformation. Deformation may either be good or bad – it depends. Put to good use, industrial/manufacturing process includes deformation process to transform solid materials from initial form into esteemed final products with desired geometry and within acceptable tolerances. The value added is worth what customers are willing to pay to acquire the product.

There are many other instances where deformities are more pronounced and controversial. For example, living beings could be disfigured as a result of genetic condition, accidents, willful acts or unhealthy lifestyle. In a nutshell, things that “seems not so good” happens to us sometimes. Call it defects, disability or degradation all comes under deformity. Despite being physically challenged, folks like Nick Vujicic - who was my inspiration for deeper understanding of “internal deformation process” -, Ibrahim Hamadtou (outstanding table tennis player without arms) and Tony Melendez (incredible guitarist born without arms) and others too numerous to mention have validated man’s ability to defy impossibilities.  These are men who through internal deformation process have turned their disabilities into ingenious abilities on a global stage. They have become role models of impossible possibilities.

We function in teams whether formally or informally. Therefore, the greatest undoing in a team after formation is allowing deformity to set in. Deformity in this context occur when at least one member of the team is disengaged. Leaders will do well to learn and hone techniques of identifying disengaged personnel and re-engineering them through internal deformation process that turns them around for success. Realizing that each member of the team has unique attributes and something to offer helps the leader foster cohesion, harmony and dedicated focus where engagement ratio tends to 1:1 (approx..). This is a tall order and arguably, the most important call of Leadership.

* #1 -


  1. Very engaging an thought provoking.
    The human intellect transformed.

  2. ...Indeed 'a tall order' and an 'important call of leadership' to drive the team to full realization of team's potential. This reminds me of "Pygmalion effect" where performance is linked to the nature of expectations leaders have on team members. This is a masterpiece! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Vitalis. I will make reference to ‘Pygmalion effect’ in series 4 if you would not mind. All the best!

  3. An excellent piece that aptly describes evolution theory's principle of use and disuse. Irrespective of what nature throws at us, we are responsible for making it work. Else, we lose the transformation opportunity.

    1. Topsy, thanks for the feedback. Have a great weeekend.
