Think, don't sink! There is power in thoughtfulness.
Every advancements in life can be said to be a product of thoughtful actions.
The act of thinking is not as simple as it sounds. It's serious business to
think through with tangible outcomes. Great things do not happen by
happenstance. Acting without thinking is being irrational and being irrational
is being unwise. Consequently, thinking meditatively towards a productive
course of action requires self-discipline, persistence and progressive
Thinkers are
kings of life voyages. What marks great leaders out is their ability to think
right and act right - the willpower for success. Padre Medium posit that
"a way of developing willpower is to pay attention to what goes on in your
head, seeking to think good and rational thoughts rather than just giving in to
subconscious desires". If you want to make giant strides in life, you need
to improve and develop staying power with respect to thinking abilities.
Your mind is the mine-field for greatness. Cambridge
dictionary defines forward thinking as "the act of thinking about and
planning for the future, not just the present". Are you afraid of trying
new things? Are you excited to explore what tomorrow looks like? Do you feel
the urge in aspiring to leave a worthy legacy behind? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you are a good
candidate for learning the act of thinking forward. The excitement of forward
thinking is in the futuristic approach. Other than learning from past failures
or events to define future outcomes, thinking backward is counter-productive.
In actual fact, getting stuck in the past is the bane of forward thinking.
Our thoughts define us. Training your mind to
conceive ideas and tuning its antenna to capture the snap-shots and processing such further for future
development is the pre-requisite for successful living. Thinking right can help
you solve difficult problems; Thinking forward will help you deliver the world
of difficult problems. It was Mo Abudu - described by Forbes as "Africa's
Most Successful Woman" - who usually ends her talk show "Moments with
Mo" with this wise saying - "If you can think it, you can do
it". I dare say that if you can perfect the habit of thinking forward, you
are the real deal. I wish you all the best in year 2020 - the golden year!