Monday, 16 December 2019

Winning Mentality

Have you ever been faced with a challenge that seems insurmountable in life? Such difficult moments that took so much from you in terms of energy, emotion, time and sometimes huge cost? I mean one in which you refused to give up despite the odds. You succeeded because you endured. You might even have probably tried a different approach to overcome the obstacle. What matters most is that you won fair and square. Is there an end to challenges in life? The answer in "no"!

As you grow older, you get to understand that challenges are meant to lift you up and promote you to the next phase. You see, life will keep throwing different challenges at you at every bends and turns in your 'thankless' journey. There are dimensions to life. It's often said that life is a journey beginning at birth and ending at death. What transpires in-between determines what legacy you will leave behind. The very first book that motivated me to dare the odds that life throws at me is the one by Robert Schuller. I was so fortunate to read such powerful book early in life and the principles that I gleaned from the book has remained with me till date. The title of the book is "Tough times never lasts but tough people do!". The secret of winners is in staying the course.

Indeed, I can attest to the fact that tough times never lasts. There is always an end to the vicissitude of life. It depends so much on your disposition to these issues. You can choose to be a victim in life or to be a victor. It's a matter of the choice you make when faced with the odds of life. You won't leave much to be desired in life if you chicken out in the face of challenges. Can you see possibilities where none exists? Are you able to face the storms of life without fear? Can you set your gaze on success and be fully determined to reach your goal even when the obstacles are fierce? It's only the brave that can bring dreams into realities and turn failure to success. 

Friend, deep within you, can you ever say that you've learnt how to "set-forward" from set-back enough? Any guarantee that you will overcome the next challenge? Let me leave you with this thoughts - what will you give up to win? What will you let go to gain lofty heights that money cannot buy? What will it take for you to be a success and not a failure? Are you about giving up? Remember this in the words of Robert that "quitters never win and winners never quits". Have a great day! I am looking forward to hear your testimony. Stay blessed and keep winning!!


  1. Reviving a blog that was created in October 2011. Such a long time to re-awake lofty dream.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Sir. Regards to Mama and the children. Hope we meet Lagos one of these days. Shalom!

  3. Deep! I was almost in a thankless state about a week ago, but like David, I encouraged myself in the Lord because indeed quitters never win. Grace on Sir!

    1. This was a dream that was buried in 2011 now resurrected. I hope it blesses all who reads and inspire them to lofty heights. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. "Tough times never lasts but tough people do!". Superb citation Sir. I got the spur I needed to scale through the University as an indigent student from this book. I applied some of the principles therein and was able to raise me money to open a barber's shop that sustained me and my younger brother who was also an undergraduate at that time through school. Nothing deters me in this journey of life any more. As long as God's with me, I shall keep winning through life. Thanks for the reminder sir.

    1. Whao! Quite amazed at your testimony. Robert did a great job with the time tested and enduring legacy. It's a challenge to many of us. Who are we inspiring for greatness? Keep fit and all the best!
