Monday, 27 September 2021
Housefly Mentality
Saturday, 18 September 2021
As previously hinted in my last post, Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N - birthed (or coined) from acronym for Group Of Ten Blocks Of Refreshing Nuggets - has reached milestone one hundred (100); deserving of 100 thunderous applause. Hurrah! This is where that famous quote comes to mind - "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe. All you need to start that venture is starting.
As usual, you have ten (10) nuggets for your delight in this series. Kindly drop the gift of feedback in the appropriate form below. You need to sign-in to Google Account to be able to leave your comments on the blog otherwise you can do so when posted on LinkedIn. Have a great day!
2. Learning should be life-long. Otherwise, breeding more technically 'obsolete individuals' will hurt the world big time. #nugget92
3. "Pseudo-scandal" is when celebrities 'play ludo on others' head' to gain maximum impact. Learn "Pseudo-silence" for 'one-one goalless draw' to match. #nugget93
4. My #nuggets address hearts and minds mirroring the palms of our hands. Watch-out for Philosophies, Action-steps, Learning, Mind-sets or Success-tips (P.A.L.M.S). #nugget94
5. When someone tells you he's an expert, do your homework else you'll pay the costly price of ignorance. #nugget95
6. Africa is systematically disadvantaged because followers don't learn from failure and leaders won't learn from success. #nugget96
7. The business leader is not the business but his/her people are. He/she's on top of the business to the extent his/her people are in control of resources including plant and machinery. #nugget97
8. Seeking righteousness & peace: Never attempt madness where crazy tendencies abound. No one has monopoly of insanity. #nugget98
9. Calm down: You can't be angry or hateful and be 'reasonable'. It's either you are in control or under control. #nugget99
10. There is a river in someone's heart yet stagnant as a well. Turn on the 'switch' for the flow that blesses you and the world at large from 'the river that never runs dry'. #nugget100
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Few days from now, I will hit one hundred (100) nuggets. What a milestone achievement? It started with the first, and then the second. By the end of today (8th September 2021), it will stand at whopping ninety-six (96) nuggets. Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N (acronym for Group Of Ten Blocks Of Refreshing Nuggets) is a "child of necessity" so to say.
In this series, you have ten (10) nuggets for your delight. Please, enjoy it and if possible, give me the gift of feedback in the appropriate form below. Note that you need to sign-in to Google Account to enable you leave comments here otherwise you can do so when posted on LinkedIn - Thanks and have a great day!
1. Power of continuity: Progress stalls where legacies of predecessors are egoistically truncated. Accelerated progress rides on continual improvement. #nugget81
2. Don't be a leader whose life is defined by "do as I say" and not "do as I do". Talking is easy, but you do well in perfecting "doing". #nugget82
3. Life is kind to the living. Death is no respecter of persons. Both life and death answer to God. Be wise unto God. #nugget83
4. Greeting is to greatness what plant is to the planet. Man is at the center. Be human and humane. #nugget84
5. IBB and guilt: Apology is not a sign of weakness. It takes courage, thoughtfulness and self-leadership to say "I am sorry". #nugget85
6. Can we simply say, good morning or good money? You know the difference. #nugget86
7. Why the "hush"? Is money a servant or the master? M(eans) O(ut) of N(eeds) E(specially) Y(ours) can't be the controller except for "puppies"? #nugget87
8. In relationship you will have issues or differences. You don't avoid conflict, you resolve it nicely. #nugget88
9. Energy drives leadership. That's why focus swings from being energetic to synergies like "dancing pendulum". #nugget89
10. A big problem may not necessarily require complex solution. There's wisdom in simplicity - keeping it simple. #nugget90