Saturday, 29 February 2020

Do or Die?

How nervy can one be when someone raises a controversial subject that we would rather avoid than confront head-on? Contrarily, I was so fortunate and blessed to participate actively in Chapter 12 of Fred Kofman’s book review. In this chapter of “The power of Transcendent Leadership”, Kofman posited that you must “Die before you die” in other to “find your true nature” and live a meaningful/impactful life. When you “feel a calling at work”, you become highly “motivated to leave behind a meaningful contribution”. The same holds true in every facet of life or human endeavours.

Steve Jobs is no longer here but he left us an enduring legacy. There was a graceful Nigerian, a courageous and unique professional who transformed an agency of Government with world-wide acclaim. Madam Dora Akunyili has no rival even after death. Echoing Honor Africans, David Ayodeji Co-founfer and CEO at Woka Nigeria noted that, “Dora Akunyili received 820 awards during her lifetime. In 2016, two years after her death, her husband discovered 110 more awards packed safely in her boxes, bringing the total to 930. No Nigerian has won more.” What an amazing soul? She fought hard that others may live during her days at NAFDAC.

If you know that you have just 3 minutes left to live, what will you do? Similar question was posed to participants by our facilitator ahead of the review session. Participants who posted their responses on had the topmost word as “Pray” and the next as “Forgive”. This is profound! It suggests that when the push comes to shove and we are down to the last moment, our utmost desire is to be at peace with our maker and people around us. Over the years, as I reflect deeply on the philosophy around death, my conclusion remains that death is “Dated End Activating Transition to Heaven (or Hell)”. For those who may be “offended” by the notion of Heaven or Hell, I will be content to replace it with Here-After for neutrality sake. Death is not the end of life. Some left this world but their legacy lives on. Irrespective and ultimately, there’s life after death.

Our world is in crisis! Corona Virus (also referred to as COVID-19) that started in Wuhan, China is spreading globally at an alarming rate. No one knows what the outlook will be in the next 2 to 3 weeks and beyond. We can only be hopeful that the measures being put in place by respective health organisations, governments and concerned citizens of the world would yield the desired end-result soonest. May our collective efforts nip the unwanted plague in the bud as swiftly as possible. As our facilitator reflected, “You die simply because you were born”. When mindfulness of death comes into your decision-making process and the choices you make, you become a better person and consequently a humane leader. It's do or die. Die before you die.


  1. Great thoughts. Thanks for putting this together. Many a time, we often get deep with the bustle of life and its latent competition, forgetting that no one gets out of this earth alive.

    One really has to constantly remind himself that death is sure even though no one believes he is next to die. Such consciousness is scary but helps to prune human excesses and makes better people with positive impact per minute lived.

    1. So true. Notable are words of the Psalmist, "Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" and the Preacher "Better to go to the house of mourning Than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all men; And the living will take it to heart". Thanks for the feedback. So instructive!

  2. Thank you Amos for the insight. Unfortunately we are taken away by the now moments and have relegated the need to be HUMBLE and mirror the end at all times. Covey's saying "Begin with the end in mind" points to need to see the end of ones life near. Covey said by keeping that end clearly in mind, one can make certain that whatever he/she does on any particular day does not violate the criteria defined as supremely important, and that each day of ones life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision one has for his life. Just to say, this is in agreement with the scriptures as well but......God bless Sir.

    1. Thanks Aminu for the gift of feedback. I agree with your submission absolutely. Remain blessed!
