In his words, “I continued my musing every Sunday morning with more of my Facebook friends liking and commenting on my posts. Then the Nostradamus' amongst them woke up. One of them commented, 'You should consider writing a book (with a possibility of series) from your weekly thoughts.'.....I started with one article, continued thinking and writing every Sunday and have not missed a Sunday in the last 5 years. Wow! Next Saturday 8th February 2020, BTGOG, I will be unveiling the first in the 'Thoughts of a Certain Wey Mey' book series. This volume being a compilation of a selection of 75 articles written between 2016 and 2018”.
Who is this “Nostradamus’ amongst them”?. Between us, we know him. He is the typology of someone who freely sends words of encouragement to others. It’s symbolic of that fellow who readily gives others a pat on the back for a job well done. Who are you influencing positively? Are you a source of motivation to others? Can someone truly say of a truth that you have a positive impact on their life? In all spheres of your life and to the boundaries of your circles of influence, be truly committed to lifting others up to greatest heights. It’s far fulfilling to motivate than demotivate. Unto you I say, “Release to Relief”.
In 2019, one of Wey’s articles went viral - “Life is a Class of One”. Unfortunately, he was not given the credit as it was “stolen” by others who lack the moral fortitude of simply acknowledging original authors as they click share buttons on social media. Wey was undeterred by this incident. Rather, he forged ahead on principle. Ironically, that “golden article” did not make it in the “golden book”. It’s quite delightful to know that it will be published in the 2nd volume to be released at a later date. No qualms. The books will be released in series as divinely purposed to his relief and that of beneficiary of his “golden pen”.
As I wish Wey happy 50th birthday celebration, I also want to encourage someone out there. Do you have an idea or thoughts welled up within you? Don't bottle it up. Unleash it! Release it so you can be relieved. Be more concerned about not dying with your dreams being buried in the grave unfulfilled. The world is waiting for your manifestation. Rise up and shine! Your well of wisdom and blessings shall not run dry. Have a pleasant day!
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