Friday, 19 March 2021

TransFORMation Journey #3

First, there is ‘the form’ and perhaps you may need to refer to earlier series #1* and #2** to enable you follow the drift. Without information about the initial form and other possibilities there can never be transformation. Instructively, the period beginning in the 70s is specifically referred to as “Information Age” for astute reasons. This era ushered in innovative and astounding technological transformation. The next era is pregnant with astronomical progress and magical touch in its appeal.

Therefore, we will be looking at the essential role that ‘inFORMation’ plays in transformation journey in this series. “Information is power”, so the famous quote says but that only holds sway when we master the act and art of putting it into good effect. George Clinton summed it up when he said that “whoever controls the flow of information dictates our perceptions and perspectives; whoever shapes the news shapes our destiny”.

The rationale for 'transFORMation' is summed up in the acronym E.A.R.N which stands for Education, Attention, Revenue and Nurturing. One common denominator having utmost relevance and significant impact across each theme is information. Undeniably, quality information is crucial for decision making at all levels in a business entity to facilitate effective and efficient operation. For example - of commerce and industry - Cherryh C. J says. “trade isn’t about goods. Trade is about information. Goods sit in the warehouse until information moves them”.

Transformation is about change. Change is human centric. Human elements are motivated by compelling story telling. It is the reason we love to be on the winning side rather than the loosing side. On the winning side, the history is not only sweet but rewarding. “Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan” that’s why most people seek to be associated with success. It is then the burden of leadership to take responsibility for success or failure in change management. If you must lead well, you must be prepared never to pass the buck but to take ownership and accountability.

#1* -

#2** -


  1. Thank you Sir for another masterpiece delivered.
    Take responsibility, don’t pass the buck - I have to take ownership and accountability of leading my family well, I’m responsible for what happens in my space.
    My thought also goes to Nigeria and I pray we will have leaders that will not continue to pass the buck rather take ownership and accountability of the state of the nation.

    1. Absolutely! Thanks for the feedback. Well appreciated. Have a great weekend ahead of you. Regards to your family.

  2. Another excellent one as usual. Thank you so much Sir for sharing your insights on winning concepts with us. Gracias!

    1. Thanks Aminu. It’s always a pleasure reading your regular feedback. Have a great weekend. Cheers!

  3. Amazing insight and very clear delivery! TransFORMation is an integral part of our lives from individuals, families, corporate world & to the society. Understanding the pieces and seeing the big picture is very important. Series #1*, #2** and this have indeed brought more clarity & i recommend them for those who aspire to do well as followers & leaders alike. Thank you sir for Series #3***. I have read it over & over as usual. Each read drives home several salient messages. Thank you sir for the timeliness and consistency of delivery. Indeed the journey hath started!

    1. Olatunde, thanks for your feedback. Quite delighted you enjoyed the series. Well-done and keep shinning!

  4. Hello sir, Thanks a lot for adding me to this platform. There are lots of learnings from this winning concepts series 3. It again strengthens my understanding of who a good leader should be. Someone who does not live in the realm of excuses but takes responsibility and is accountable for both successes and failures in his/her leadership journey. Thanks for putting this together. This can only come from a great mind. Thank you sir.

    1. Hello Pst Edward, thanks for the comprehensive feedback. Have a great weekend and regards to madam. Shalom!

  5. This series 3 is another excellent delivery. Well appreciated Sir.

    The acronym E.A.R.N for Education, Attention, Revenue and Nurturing, is a formula to make gains at all fronts. Trade is not about the goods, but information is the trade that move the goods. I am taking these beyond the work. Many thanks Sir.

    1. Thanks, well appreciated. Indeed, info is relevant across board.

  6. Many thanks sir for sharing your insight on Winning concepts transformation. Indeed clear Information is key in achieving success in transformation. Sure you leadership qualities is a clear demonstration of transformation journey.

  7. Another great one. Take ownership, be accountable and never pass the buck.

    1. Hello Babs, thanks for the feedback. All the best!
