Friday, 31 December 2021

Inspiring Others

The height of greatness is rarely attained by many but few men. It follows from the “broad way” versus “narrow way” principle. In life, being great is not in riches or material wealth but being rich in values and virtues. The seed of greatness is sown in desire (being hungry for targeted ambition/goal), nurtured in learning (watering through disciplined and sacrificial interventions) and reaped in fruitfulness (glaring and tangible reproductive seeds after you). Indeed’s website editorial team defined inspirational leadership as “the ability to be a positive influence on those around you and motivate others toward success”. If others can change their course or develop personal ambition positively based on your actions, attitude, or attributes, you are an inspirational leader.

Permit me - as I reflect on the subject of inspiring others - to draw inspiration from the under-listed ten (10) self-explanatory quotes/nuggets.

1.    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams 

2.    “To inspire others, be an example and live by example” – Debasish Mridha 

3.    “When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best version of themselves” – Steve Maraboli

4.    “By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others” – Inspired Inceptions

5.    “I am inspired to inspire others” – Tito Ortiz

6.    “Greatness is inspiring others to be their best” – Ken Poirot

7.    “To be inspired is great, to inspire others is incredible” – Anonymous

8.    “I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at e and say “Because of you, I didn’t give up”” – Anonymous

9.    “You don’t inspire others by being perfect. You inspire them by how you deal with your imperfections” – Anonymous

10. “Aspire to Inspire before you Expire” – Eugene Bell (Jr.)

In conclusion, I have a lot to be grateful for as this year wanes out. Having to inspire someone by just being you truly humbled me. Someone has this to say, "Sir, permit me to say, I just got awoken and fired-up within as I went through your career/educational journey. It is one that can inspire anyone to their greatest height. I just made a call for the purchase of a form for further studies. Thank you Sir, I am awake". I am so grateful for the gift of feedback. My advice to you is to aspire daily to be a better version of yourself. In so doing, others will draw light from your "little" shining light.

Friday, 24 December 2021

Data Darts

“There is only one Phil Taylor”. That’s the slogan for the man also known as (aka) “The Power”. Phil - The Power - Taylor was a professional darts player who once took the world by storm winning amazing 16 world titles, 85 majors and 214 tournaments over two decades. I knew more about darts because of Phil’s phenomenal impact. The game of darts is quite interesting. It’s played by opponents (typically two) focused on reducing their tally - from say 301 or 501 down to 0 - while taking turns throwing three sharp pointed darts aimed as specific spots on the dartboard. The most fascinating aspect is when a player hits triple sixties (one hundred and eighty) or the bull’s eye on the last throw to win the set/match.

On hitting the bull’s eye, there literally comes key moments when we must have clear, concise, and moment(s) defining outcomes. An example would be in “life and death situations” like stemming the tides of pandemic, anarchy, banditry, war, or other life-threatening issues. In such situations, political correctness must give way for honest “root cause identification/analysis” and forthright “problem resolution” no matter whose ox is gored. Another example would be in “making critical business decisions”. Exceptional information gathering and data mining are essential enablers for success as we can see in today’s worldview. More and more professionals will continue to delve into the new frontiers where applications of “cutting edge technology” is being deployed to transform big data into “actionable insights”. Well-being of human race must be at the heart of progressive but "cyclical" technological advancements.

The idea that data is the new oil has been credited to Clive Humby – a reputable mathematician and data science entrepreneur. In 2006, he stated that “Data is the new oil. It’s valuable but if unrefined it cannot really be used”. The point being made is that data in its raw form (or format) is not useful until it is ‘refined’, ‘processed’ or ‘transformed’ into useable form for analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The competing “technological race” driven by AI is between contending super-powers with US and China at the fore front. The “darts competition” will be fiercer as AI replaces crude oil in terms of relevance, dominance, and value realization.

At personal level, whether you are "rolling a dice" (riding on luck) or "throwing darts" (desperately focused) big data is a constant denominator. Virtually all your actions or inactions are being “logged in the memory of time”. It’s the reason leaders crave for ownership and accountabilities. Whatsoever you do online, think about humongous data trail or darts of data you are leaving behind for posterity. In all you do, remember the “data darts” and let it shape your future endeavours. Lastly, I submit that data is more than the new oil. It is digital attributes towards advancement of human race beyond subsisting comprehension. I may expatiate this further in a future write-up.

I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance!

                                 Ref -

Monday, 20 December 2021

Leadership GOT BORN (121 to 130)

This series contain a group of ten (10) refreshing nuggets and the "13th Block" for your delight in line with the title - Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N. 

G.O.T B.O.R.N is the acronym for Group OTen Blocks ORefreshing Nuggets. 

Your gift of feedback in the appropriate form on this blog below would be highly appreciated (N/B - You need to sign-in to Google Account to be able to leave your comments directly on the blog). Otherwise, you can respond with comments when posted on LinkedIn. Have a great day!

1. Going there you may crawl, walk or fly tediously. Getting there many are drawn to you expressly. #nugget121

2. Faith is not temptation in disguise that must be avoided wholeheartedly. Faith works, temptation wishes. #nugget122

3. Being online often require affirmation that you are human. Be Exceptionally Interesting Never Giving-up in well-doing #nugget123

4. Prove yourself sanely human for emotional connection with humanity and 'transactional' integrity . #nugget124

5. Data is more than new oil. It is Digital Attributes Towards Advancement of human race beyond subsisting comprehension. #nugget125

6. Asking seemingly stupid question(s) is not stupidity. Not answering with care does more harm than good. #nugget126

7. These 'tripodian' senses will make you whole: sense of identity, sense of purpose and sense of spirituality. Be interesting! #nugget127

8. Denial falls like a house of cards in the face of truth. Truth is time-less, denial is time-bound. #nugget128

9. Focus on S.A.R.S for success in the new year - Strategy, Alliances, Resources and Skills.  #nugget129

10. Two sides of a coin - Speak less and listen more versus Post less and read more! #nugget130

Monday, 29 November 2021

Leadership GOT BORN (111 to 120)

G.O.T B.O.R.N is the acronym for Group OTen Blocks ORefreshing Nuggets. 

This series contain a group of ten (10) refreshing nuggets and the 12th Block for your delight in line with the title. Your gift of feedback in the appropriate form on this blog below would be highly appreciated (N/B - You need to sign-in to Google Account to be able to leave your comments directly on the blog). Otherwise, you can respond with comments when posted on LinkedIn. Have a great day!

1. Desperate wickedness is a despicable weakness underpinned by 'animalistic' instincts. Don't devalue yourself. #nugget111

2. There is correlation between heartbeat and the clock's tick-tock. While the day may be equal for all, your time is different from others'. #nugget112

3. Do you want it? Is it good? Is it ethical? Will it add value to you or others? If yes, go for it! #nugget113

4. You know your limits but operates far above and beyond through others in pursuit of higher purpose. That's leadership 101. #nugget114

5. If your conscience flags "error" don't fly the "craft". If in doubt, interrogate the pilot and his (or her) instrument(s). #nugget115

6. A table is set before men of means. Your gifts, understanding, talent and skills (G.U.T.S) can set you on that table. #nugget116

7. Propaganda and half-truths are also information. Guide your eyes and guard your heart against such diligently. #nugget117

8. Finding purpose helps you discover "meaning" - the reason for your existence. #nugget118

9. With a thorn in the flesh you don't know whether to laugh or cry. May "a thorny gene era" never happen amongst "sand and nature" again! #nugget119

10. The road to success is often rough, tough or long. While some endure, others quit at the verge of success. #nugget120

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

On Point

Several titles ran through my mind in opting for the name of my blog. "On point", "Leadership Tips", and many others were considered before I settled for “Winning Concept” which has now been updated to “Leadership GOT BORN” recently. The choice of “Winning Concept” must have been impressed on me as a result of the “WIN BIG” leadership concept that I propounded around 2013. "WIN BIG" is based on “Question and Answer Approach” to framing leadership direction. After-all, if a team must win, it’s a lot rewarding if the members do so in grand style – winning big! All lovers of sporting activities especially the round leader game know that counting points in a league system or group stage of a competition add colour to their game(s) in one way or the other.

The first (and the only) article written on my obsolete/extinct blog in October 2011 was titled - "The power in Power-point". Hardly can anyone communicate publicly without the aid of this powerful visual presentation tool. However, its power is diminished when the presenter crowds the slide with "wordy" or textual excerpts and then reads the full texts out verbatim to the audience. My point here is that a powerful presentation holds the audience spellbound only when the presenter is "on point". Similarly, a writer, author or blogger have the burden of being on point in delivery.

What’s the point if you are not on point? Answer to that question is the reason great communicators shape how they show up in conversations.  It’s also the reason why actors/actresses and entertainers deliver exceptional acts to the delight of their audience. In fact, the question old sway in all ramifications of life and most especially in the school of leadership. In all your endeavours, “begin with the end in mind” so says Stephen Covey in “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. When you do this, you give yourself fair chance(s) of being “on point” in what you do. The primary reward for being on point is internal satisfaction and the supplementary ones are special recognition(s), awards, accolades and monetary reward. 

Aside aspiring to be on point in outlook, appearance or dressing, another important attribute to being on point is subscription to life-long learning. Brown Romano – a veteran of Process Automation and Control System and current director of Technology at Arthur G. Russell Company in Bristol - recently penned down an important advice on life-long learning. He says, “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow……don’t forget about personal learning”.   The essence of life-long learning is to keep you fresh, refreshed and ‘up-to-date’ with knowledge. In your leadership journey and as you subscribe to life-long learning, don't dignify poor performance. Don't celebrate mediocrity. Be on point always (at least strive to be).

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Leadership GOT BORN (101 to 110)

It's indeed a pleasure to be featured by Lois Oni - LLB, MBA in her recent LinkedIn Post dated 12th October 2021. Hence, she's worthy of mention here for her gracious act as one good turn deserves another. The reason for Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N is to inspire or bless someone out there in need of motivation or inspiration. 

G.O.T B.O.R.N is the acronym for Group OTen Blocks ORefreshing Nuggets. 

Please enjoy under-listed ten (10) nuggets for your delight. Your gift of feedback in the appropriate form on this blog below would be highly appreciated (N/B - You need to sign-in to Google Account to be able to leave your comments directly on the blog). Otherwise, you can respond with comments when posted on LinkedIn. Have a great day!

1. No one can complete the work expected of him in a lifetime. It grows as a whale because Work Happens According to Learning Execution (W.H.A.L.E). #nugget101

2. Give or Take: The quest for questioning is to nail and nor burst it. Yet, we often fail to get it. #nugget102

3. Man cannot see well sustainably with another man's lamp. Self enlightenment empowers beyond measure. #nugget103

4. It is better to ride on a donkey than enter the train to nowhere. Be fact based. #nugget104

5. The mentor is not a tormentor. He or she Meaningfully Engages Natural Talents on Own Responsibilities - M.E.N.T.O.R. #nugget105

6. 'Critical Questioning' belongs to the tripod of leadership's critical acts. Others are 'Critical Reasoning' and 'Critical Thinking'. #nugget106

7. This world is like a stage. Act the 'scenes' as a man or woman of conscience. Act well, don't act 'mirage'. #nugget107

8. Housefly doesn't intend to die inside sweet drinks. Likewise, unethical 'enjoyment' kills surreptitiously. #nugget108

9. Envision what a "better you" looks like. Understand what it takes, brace-up and work at it. Be committed. #nugget109

10. Few (if any) will join your battle or victory. The world moves on with or without you and I. #nugget110

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Paradoxical Leadership

In the global village where free will offer - supposedly - the most conducive atmosphere for innovation and trans-generational advancements, the place of "commandments" cannot be trivialized. We must be guided by some forms of principles, rules, tenets or laws to create enabling environment for mutual understanding and 'breed' peaceful co-existence. There has to be checks and balances to avoid free-for-all descent to chaotic disorder. In addition, leaders must relate with their associates empathetically. This is where J.C Maxwell's recommendation in his book titled "Relationship 101 - what every leader needs to know" finds relevance. In 1968, Kent Keith penned "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership" which J.C Maxwell re-echoed as follows:

- Quote -

1. People are often illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered - love them anyway
2. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives - do good anyway 
3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies - succeed anyway
4. The good you do today will perhaps be forgotten tomorrow - do good anyway
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable - be honest and frank anyway
6. The biggest man with the biggest ideas may be shot down by the smallest man with the smallest mind - think big anyway
7. People favour underdogs but follow only hot dogs - fight for a few underdogs anyway
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway
9. People really need help but may attack you if you help them - help them anyway
10. Give the world the best that you have and you will get kicked in the teeth - give the world the best you have anyway

- Unquote -

On the first day of this month, Nigeria celebrated her 61st independence anniversary. To some, she remain a "laboratory of potential greatness" and to some others she's "struggling to breath" in critical realms of life. Optimistic perspective will see the cup as half-full rather than half-empty. I am a patriot hence will always see through the optimistic lens. I agree with the notion that forthright leadership at all levels will position the nation in her rightful place in the comity of nations. This is true of any nation that desire sustainable progress. It also holds true at individual or corporate level. The world will be a better place if all and sundry would imbibe the culture of valuing one another's differences whilst leveraging on similarities towards common purpose(s). Being at "cross-purposes" operationally is the bane of elegant progress. Perhaps it is high time we mandated "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership" for all leaders (or aspiring) at all levels.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Housefly Mentality

Housefly is one of the common insects - others are ants and cockroach to mention but few - that lives in proximity or close association with human beings. This unique creature feeds on human wastes, water or liquids and foodstuffs including garbage, excreta, animal dung and so on and so forth. Co-habiting with this interesting insect leaves public health issues on its trail. Their ecological role in breaking down or recycling organic matter notwithstanding, houseflies are known to be vectors or causative agents of diseases. In addition, they could constitute unnecessary nuisance to humans in their numbers. 

As this write-up is not about the housefly per se, it will be important to alert readers early about my intention to draw an analogy to human behaviour using “leadership lens” from the subject under scrutiny. I recently watched Fola Daniel Adelesi’s interview on Youtube where he explained the “Crab mentality” - ( According to Wikipedia, “Crab mentality also known as crab theory, crab in a bucket mentality or crab-bucket effect is a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you”. The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behaviour noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket. While any one crab could easily escape, its efforts will be undermined by other, ensuring the group’s collective demise”.

Whereas “crab mentality” addresses group behaviour, the “housefly mentality” discussed here could apply to either individual or corporate organisation’s behaviour that have potential for actualizing unintended consequence(s). As a young boy growing up, I used to wonder why a housefly that perched on sweet drinks finds it difficult to withdraw. In such delicate situation, the housefly lacks both self-awareness and situational awareness without which self-discipline is impossible to activate. Embedded in self-discipline is self-control which is the ability to regulate or alter one’s responses to avoid undesired behaviours. Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself in such a manner that you work hard or behave in certain ways without external parties’ influence.

Housefly doesn’t intend to die in sweet drinks and likewise any individual involved in unethical “enjoyment” will self-destruct surreptitiously. Leading through storytelling is not new. African folktales or what is also known as "tales by moonlight" had been variously accredited with imparting moral lessons for work and life situations. The tell-tales of corporate organisations like Enron and WorldCom have become landmark leadership and management case-studies on ethical standards. Desire for illicit wealth, fame and power feed greed. Insatiable greed leads to self-crucifixion. At individual level, it’s important to demonstrate high level of self-discipline so you don’t end the way of the recalcitrant housefly.

Saturday, 18 September 2021


As previously hinted in my last post, Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N - birthed (or coined) from acronym for Group OTen Blocks ORefreshing Nuggets - has reached milestone one hundred (100); deserving of 100 thunderous applause. Hurrah! This is where that famous quote comes to mind - "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe. All you need to start that venture is starting.

As usual, you have ten (10) nuggets for your delight in this series. Kindly drop the gift of feedback in the appropriate form below. You need to sign-in to Google Account to be able to leave your comments on the blog otherwise you can do so when posted on LinkedIn. Have a great day!

1. Symbolic expression: Bichi was not a 'bitch' after all as key politicians openly (or unexpectedly) demonstrated unity and affection. Only fools make enemies for their sake. #nugget91

2. Learning should be life-long. Otherwise, breeding more technically 'obsolete individuals' will hurt the world big time. #nugget92

3. "Pseudo-scandal" is when celebrities 'play ludo on others' head' to gain maximum impact. Learn "Pseudo-silence" for 'one-one goalless draw' to match. #nugget93

4. My #nuggets address hearts and minds mirroring the palms of our hands. Watch-out for Philosophies, Action-steps, Learning, Mind-sets or Success-tips (P.A.L.M.S). #nugget94

5. When someone tells you he's an expert, do your homework else you'll pay the costly price of ignorance. #nugget95

6. Africa is systematically disadvantaged because followers don't learn from failure and leaders won't learn from success. #nugget96

7. The business leader is not the business but his/her people are. He/she's on top of the business to the extent his/her people are in control of resources including plant and machinery. #nugget97

8. Seeking righteousness & peace: Never attempt madness where crazy tendencies abound. No one has monopoly of insanity. #nugget98

9. Calm down: You can't be angry or hateful and be 'reasonable'. It's either you are in control or under control. #nugget99

10. There is a river in someone's heart yet stagnant as a well. Turn on the 'switch' for the flow that blesses you and the world at large from 'the river that never runs dry'. #nugget100

Wednesday, 8 September 2021


Few days from now, I will hit one hundred (100) nuggets. What a milestone achievement? It started with the first, and then the second. By the end of today (8th September 2021), it will stand at whopping ninety-six (96) nuggets. Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N (acronym for Group Of Ten Blocks Of Refreshing Nuggets) is a "child of necessity" so to say. 

In this series, you have ten (10) nuggets for your delight. Please, enjoy it and if possible, give me the gift of feedback in the appropriate form below. Note that you need to sign-in to Google Account to enable you leave comments here otherwise you can do so when posted on LinkedIn - Thanks and have a great day!

1. Power of continuity: Progress stalls where legacies of predecessors are egoistically truncated. Accelerated progress rides on continual improvement. #nugget81

2. Don't be a leader whose life is defined by "do as I say" and not "do as I do". Talking is easy, but you do well in perfecting "doing". #nugget82

3. Life is kind to the living. Death is no respecter of persons. Both life and death answer to God. Be wise unto God. #nugget83

4. Greeting is to greatness what plant is to the planet. Man is at the center. Be human and humane. #nugget84

5. IBB and guilt: Apology is not a sign of weakness. It takes courage, thoughtfulness and self-leadership to say "I am sorry". #nugget85

6. Can we simply say, good morning or good money? You know the difference. #nugget86

7. Why the "hush"? Is money a servant or the master? M(eans) O(ut) of N(eeds) E(specially) Y(ours) can't be the controller except for "puppies"? #nugget87

8. In relationship you will have issues or differences. You don't avoid conflict, you resolve it nicely. #nugget88

9. Energy drives leadership. That's why focus swings from being energetic to synergies like "dancing pendulum". #nugget89

10. A big problem may not necessarily require complex solution. There's wisdom in simplicity - keeping it simple. #nugget90

Monday, 9 August 2021


Here is the 7th edition of leadership messages termed "Group of Ten Blocks of Refreshing Nuggets" - G.O.T B.O.R.N - as released one at a time on my Facebook wall over the past couple of days. Please enjoy it and if possible, give feedback in the appropriate form below. Have a great day!

1. Engineering is not just about theories, equations, computation/coding or 'practicals'. Relevant among others are intuition, nature, creativity, relationship, evolution, design, ideas, belief, leadership and economics. Engineering is I.N.C.R.E.D.B.L.E to say the least.  #nugget71

2. Seriously contextual: Naija is probably No. 1 nation when it comes to churning out "entertaining stories" week-in week-out. Ours has graduated from "breaking news" to "breakable news". #nugget72

3. Of fixation and focus: Unless we out-think the problem, solution is out of reach. Fix your focus and shape your life. #nugget73

4. Realistically, make your voice count. Organizationally, make your vote count. Existentially, make your vitals count. #nugget74

5. Glory by association: Perfect world is an imperfect expectation. When you achieve medallion performance like Ese Brume, expect all and sundry to share in your glory. #nugget75

6. Have you ever wondered why every successful transformation looked ordinary in retrospect? Closing one 'gap to potential' leads to another gap to close. #nugget76

7. Being a change agent starts with personal change or transformation. A changed personality is one who has been transformed by the renewal of his or her mind. #nugget77

8. Mentees' creed: Seek ye first value driven performances and all other values shall be added unto you. Mentors' expectation is that you grow well in commitment, character and competence. #nugget78

9. Counting the cost: The chance for success depends on the accuracy of the budget. Building Up Developments on Gauged Economic Targets - B.U.D.G.E.T. #nugget79

10. Leadership is about trust. Trust nurtured, protected and guaranteed builds institutions which in turn builds a great nation. #nugget80

Monday, 2 August 2021

TransFORMation Journey - #6

In this concluding part of the “Transformation Journey Series”, I will start by summarizing the earlier treatise. Series 1: “Everything start from form and form is everything. From genetic transformation to business transformation or digital transformation to mention but few, ‘form’ is at the core”. Series 2: “We function in teams whether formally or informally. Of deformity or deformation, realizing that each member in a team has unique attributes and something to offer helps the leader foster cohesion, harmony, and dedicated focus where engagement ratio tends towards 1:1”. Series 3: “Without information about the initial form and other possibilities, there can never be transformation. Undeniably, quality information is crucial for decision making in a change management process”. Series 4: “Reformations and Transformations are not the same thing. Reformations are concerned with changing the means systems employ to pursue their objectives. Transformations involve changes in the objectives they pursue”. Series 5: Transformation is about personalities. People makes things happen!

People are the most crucial element of any transformation journey. As the adage goes, “People can be divided into three groups – those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened”. There is contention around who coined the adage, but it holds true any time any day. People moves from one group to another depending on interest, context, or aspiration. As Prof. Tony O’Driscoll’s research with Brightline emphasizes, successful organization transformation requires an empathic, ‘people-centered’ approach to change that nurtures a culture of aspiration, alignment, autonomy, and accountability. Of all people, you are the most important as change agent. Your ability to transform your environment and influence those around you positively depends on your level of personal transformation. 

Being a change agent starts with personal change or transformation. A changed personality is one who has been transformed by the renewal of his or her mind. According to Doe Zantamata, “Change isn’t just one thing, just one time, just one big revelation. Change occurs in stages, and phases, which each add depth, color, character, and create a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted you”. Allan Rufus in “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” writes about a wise old master’s advise to an insecure young man on personal transformation. “It is like a caterpillar that lives on the ground and foliage of plants, it just exists there eating and eating, then one day it starts to spin silk around itself in a cocoon where it starts to go through the metamorphosis of transformation, and when it has fully developed, it finds its way out of that space and its life becomes different. It has different imprint, different function, and different purpose. Instead of just eating leaves as caterpillar that seems like destruction, it now pollinates the plants to help bring about new life, and food for other living creatures, including us, man! So, the humble butterfly has a worthy cause, and a worthy life, not only looking brittle and beautiful, but fulfilling a Divine purpose for continuation of life on the Divine Planet called Earth”.   

In digitally yours, I have made strong case for digital readiness, personal development and self leadership. The world evolves in transitions constantly transforming from one era to another. The birth of human race began with co-existence with nature - a primitive era typical of hunting society.  The next era birthed an agrarian society where irrigation techniques sprouted up and human settlements evolved. Invention of steam engines and locomotives led to the industrial society and beginning of industrialization and mass production. We are now at the matured phase of information society birthed by advents in semi-conductor technology and computer systems. Futuristic transformation will move the world away from the ‘barrel of oil’ to the new order of super-humans enamored with 'barrel of data'. Will intending Super-smart society be a re-enactment of biblical ‘tower of babel’ or positive aspiration seamlessly achieved?

Saturday, 17 July 2021


It's been a while. The month of June was quite unique. It was one in which my 'unique project' came to a successful end. It's a great feeling to have "finished strong" and be in a position to continue blogging from where I stopped in May 2021. Please, enjoy the "Group of Ten Blocks of Refreshing Nuggets" released one at a time on my FB wall - G.O.T B.O.R.N Series #5. Have a great day!

1. "Sunkunmus Riranmus": When you cry, you see well. Sleeping with one eye open is ingenious. #Nugget61

2. Drawing inference: Scoring own goal is not unusual. What's concerning is not learning any lesson therefrom. Learn and Improve! #Nugget62

3. 'Twitterically speaking': No man can ban death - D(ated) E(nd) A(ctivating) T(transition) to H(eaven)/H(ell). #Nugget63

4. Pray well and Work hard: After you have prayed well, you still have to work hard. Diligence attracts Favour. Ponder on these things. #Nugget64

5. Beyond arguments: We are spiritual beings. the supernatural operates beyond the realms of multi-dimensional nuances of Arts and principled complexities of Sciences. Finding connection with God brings fulfilment. #Nugget65

6. Of fruitfulness: There is no planting without the seed, the soil and the sower (an agent). Fruitfulness is like the beautiful delivery of an orchestra. Be fruitful! #Nugget66

7. There's the law of cause and effect. You want peace? Sow justice. "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people". #Nugget67

8. It's not funny. People are 'resurrecting' those things that were hitherto 'dead'. The virtues gaining ground in this space by the day leads to nowhere. Only 'listening leadership' can reverse the descent into abyss. #Nugget68

9. Valuing each other: Never forget that the dot itself is a circle. the bigger it becomes, the clearer the identity. Views from outer space and beyond confirms all humanity are sited on a dot in the universe. #Nugget69

10. From "Thinking Forward": Thinkers are kings of life voyages. What marks great leaders out is their ability to think right and act right - the willpower for success. #Nugget70

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Got Born - #4

Another "G.O.T B.O.R.N" series is here! GOT BORN stands for "Group of Ten Blocks of Refreshing Nuggets". Have a great day!

1. Celebrating a life well lived. Real impact is measured not by illicit wealth, riches, or material acquisitions but by so many lives touched positively. Truly and surely, it pays to pursue influence over affluence. #Nugget51

2. It is better to win than whine. Stay positive, work smarter and collaborate for success.  #Nugget 52

3. Thoughts are not enough. First, find meaning and after that find expression. #Nugget53

4. It is graceful showing the way by doing than telling. Otherwise, telling leads to yelling. #Nugget54

5. Folks ‘wired’ into “what’s in it for me” but ‘fired’ into “what’s in it for them” ascends incredible heights of possibilities. Brace up, put best feet forward and breakthrough! - #Nugget55

6. Following short-cuts to fame short-circuits destiny for shame. Choose your pursuits wisely.  #Nugget56

7. ‘Microwave’ era: If you covet someone’s glory, will you kindly identify with the grooming? There’s no glorying without grooming. #Nugget57

8. Given to introspection: Is it not safe to say that it’s not how long we live that counts but how well? Be safe! #Nugget58

9. Nailing the truth: There is no help that can be rendered to a character whose definition of success is failure. #Nugget59 

10. Why tell tales when you can tell treasures? The deeper the treasures, the less the tales. #Nugget60

Friday, 30 April 2021

TransFORMation Journey - #5

Today is Sir Tony’s Birthday! Engr Tony Attah is ‘transformational leadership personified’. It’s such a blessing to have him and a host of many other amazing leaders grace our world. Nigeria is not short of abundant talents in every spheres of life. The country is endowed with ‘best-in-class’ corporate leaders. Still on our transformational journey series, I have the privilege of spot-lighting the leader who passed the baton to Sir T in his current role to underpin my point on aspiring to leave a place better than you met it. Sir Babs Omotowa recently penned down his early stint at business transformation and I have his graceful  permission to 're-echo' it on my blog. Please enjoy “Making a difference in whatever role” in his words.

“Abel walks into my cubicle on a Monday morning, looking dejected and telling me, ‘There has been a break-in and theft.’ I ask him, ‘What is missing?’ ‘The stainless-steel valves we received into stock last week”, he replied. I am sad.

This follows a pattern of break-ins at the weekends when staffs are away. I wince as I think of having to report on theft again at the supervisors’ meeting later in the day. This is not what I expect to be grappling with, in this role.

‘Abel, let us go and have a look,’ I say. I do not want to look demoralized to my team as I am just getting familiar with the job’s responsibilities of receipt, storage, and issuance of materials; maintaining inventory; keeping record and reconciling, and ensuring the effectiveness of the warehousing activities and staff performance. But these repeated thefts were making things difficult and it feels like a heavy, weight on my shoulders.

‘This cannot continue and we must bring it to a stop,’ I say to my team members who had gathered in the store. They look at me with doubt written on their faces. This is a low moment, but it invigorates me with determination to drive the needed improvements and make a difference.

This was my first assignment in Shell as a supervisor in the ‘lowly’ storeroom, tucked away in the company’s industrial area in Warri. Here materials were stored to be retrieved and used to operate, maintain, repair, and replace production equipment in the company’s oil and gas fields.

I spent the first few months making efforts to understand the activities, processes, culture, and norms. I took time to assess the physical structures, layout, quality of staff, store record systems, processes for receipt, and issuance of materials. I studied warehousing, read reports, and visited other warehouses to learn. I spoke with staff, supervisors, and customers to understand the issues, challenges, and opportunities.

The storeroom, which housed hundreds of millions of dollars of items, was poorly organized. Materials were strewn all over and as such it was a herculean task to find items when customers requested them. The stores were an open space with a roof, bare floor but without walls. The chaotic situation was an opportunity for theft as intruders could easily access the open space. I was disappointed that the company had invested money to procure materials, yet failed to secure them properly. From police investigations of the reported thefts, we discovered the stolen items were sold on the black market, to unscrupulous contractors, who sold them to other oil companies or to manufacturing industries.

I contextualized all these against how a good storeroom should operate and started to think of making a difference. I had learned from working on my father’s farms during my early years, the need for planning, preparation, hard work, and perseverance to make a difference. For example, sequences of clearing, ridging, planting, nurturing and harvesting, had to be planned and timed to coincide with the appropriate seasons. All farming phases required hard work and the phase of nurturing required perseverance.

I discussed my observations with the management, customers, and staff, and everyone was concerned with the negative image the storeroom had as a ‘junkyard’. I secured alignment on the urgent need for the turnaround to a place staff would want to work and customers will speak highly of. The staff had always felt the need for change, but they had assumed that the company was not interested, since they had hardly ever been visited by management.

The vision I developed was for our stores to look like and be run similarly as world-class supermarkets (Sainsbury, Walmart) which I had seen in pictures in magazines, where stores are well secured, materials properly arranged on shelves, and customer-friendly processes.

I identified three areas to focus on - safety, customer satisfaction, and integrity. I had learned from my school years that it was better to focus on a few things and do them exceptionally well than to do many things and perform poorly. One cannot boil an ocean or solve world hunger.

With management support, we worked with other functions to actualize the vision. With engineering, we designed required work and determined costs, and with Finance, we secured budgets. Walls were built, a cold room built and carousel machines, synthetic racks, and pallets procured, all of which we had seen in those world-class supermarkets. It was not all smooth sail as we had to adapt during the process like changing from procuring new materials to utilizing in-house materials to construct heavy-duty racks. We arranged materials and labeled them in racks and in carousel units. We entered the locations into the company’s enterprise system to make retrievals easier. My team was unrelenting, with weekly review meetings, and working overtime to achieve the objective of reducing theft to zero.

We also focused on customers, who had to physically come to the store with a requisition, for our staff to search and retrieve the items from our ‘junkyard’. This meant that field staff had to spend time away from production work, to collect materials. Working with IT, we enabled customers to send their requisitions electronically and not need to come to the warehouse. We secured vans and trucks to deliver items (milk-runs) to customers at their worksites.

With customers no longer coming to collect items, the storeroom was far less crowded, and this increased safety in the store as well as staff productivity. Safety risks were also reduced as drivers of customers no longer needed to drive from their various locations to the warehouse to collect materials. We were consolidating their orders which significantly reduced driving safety exposures. All these changed the perception and satisfaction level of customers.

At the end of two years, the warehouse was completely transformed. Customers shared the stories and we started to receive visits from the company’s management. They were proud to showcase the storeroom to their visitors, as for example, our carousel units, were industry-leading.

I was no longer going to the supervisors’ daily meetings to report theft. I was proud of the team’s achievement and we celebrated, with their spouses, as family support is crucial for periods of high-intensity work. I owe a lot of gratitude to the staff for the result achieved - they are the heroes. 

To achieve a goal, one must know the goal, focus, and enlist key stakeholders. It is not possible to hit a target with eyes closed. Positive impact enables one to gain confidence and the recognition of bosses.

I learned that no matter how lowly the work one is assigned, one should embrace it, work diligently, do it well and transform. It is important to leave a role in an improved state from when one started. Hurdles are to be overcome; when one meets a hurdle, one should embrace it, as beyond lies a prize. How one does any work (unfanciful or not), can determine one’s next job. If one keeps complaining about a role and does it sloppily, it affects one’s reputation, and can negatively affect the chances of getting bigger roles.

As Martin Luther King said “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michaelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.””

Sunday, 28 March 2021

TransFORMation Journey - #4

In "Transforming the Systems Movement", Russell Arkoff explained the difference between "ReFORMation" and "TransFORMation". He posited that "Reformations and Transformations are not the same thing. Reformations are concerned with changing the means systems employ to pursue their objectives. Transformations involve changes in the objectives they pursue". Adapting Peter Drucker's definition of efficiency versus effectiveness, he submitted that intent of reformation is "doing things right" while intent of transformation is "doing the right thing". I concur with him hence won't say more on this.

Over the past three series, we have covered "form", "formation", "deformity or deformation" and "information" in relation to transformation journey. Given that we have made the clear distinction between reformation and transformation, our attention in the rest of this series will now be  on "conFORMity or conFORMance". According to Psychologyhub, there are three (3) types of conformity - 1. Compliance (i.e. change in behaviour only), 2. Internalisation (i.e. true conformity - change in behaviour and beliefs) and 3. Identification (i.e. change in behaviour and beliefs to please the group). Of these three, transformation requires internalisation to thrive. Internalisation helps to eliminate the negative effect of conformity (or conformance) and project its positive impact helping the team to function smoothly, harmoniously and predictably.

You've always heard leadership enthusiasts say that "Leadership is influence". In social influence, we talk about two (2) types - informational influence and normative influence. Informational influence occur when we conform to others because we believe that they have accurate or superior information. This is why the price of leadership is costlier than money and the prize of transformational failure is new opportunity. Normative influence on the other hand occur when we conform to others because we want them to like us or accept us. Therefore, the leaders' utmost cry is to transform his/her associates through guided, guarded and instructive informational influence. Winning - in this game - is about "hearts and minds".

The Plant Integrity (PI) Assurance Department comprised of seven (7) engineering disciplines. Let's see whether you can recognize each of them in this rhyme - "There is a reason we love to be static but we can't do without rotating. This calls for inspection of materials and equipment whilst powering several others electrically. It calls - as well - for reliability of people plus assets and automation of the process to underscore our civil minds and structures". Now, the greek letter π (Pi) defines the integrity of circles irrespective of size as dimensioned by their radius or diameter. In branding, we decided to identify with π (Pi) intuitively, reflectively and instructively. We believe that our calling as a team is to deliver value reliably, consistently and constantly to our internal and external stakeholders within our circles of influence. To the integrity of our purpose within the organisation we avow to conform.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Got Born - #3

Welcome to this "G.O.T B.O.R.N" series which is unique in all its ramifications. Traditionally, the series evolved from compilation of original quotes shared with 'friends' on my 'facebook wall' until ten posts are reached. However, I lost my mentor, guardian, spiritual father and a confidant in PPE* Samuel Babatope Adejuyigbe recently which affected my outing on facebook in the last couple of days. 

In his honour, listed below are 5th in the series of "Group of Ten - G.O.T" - "Block of Refreshing Nuggets - B.O.R.N" inspired by notable leaders who influenced me through observation or inference drawn from their messages or feedback. Their names are hidden in their initials provided at the end of each quote (e.g. #Nugget 11, [AO] = Amos Ologunleko).

Are you able to identify at least three (3) of them? If yes, leave comments/feedback using appropriate form on this blog below - Many Thanks!

41. Process safety journey is like riding uphill, you can't afford to take your feet off the pedal - #Nugget 41 [CI]

42. Feedback is a gift that we must embrace with open arms and appreciate with open minds - #Nugget 42 [BO]

43. Set your year around 'three big rocks' and deliver with utmost precision - #Nugget 43 [TA]

44. Leaders develop leaders after their kinds whilst empowering them to unleash their potentials - #Nugget 44 [LF]

45. Whatever you do, remember Diversity & Inclusiveness (D&I) as a winning strategy - #Nugget 45 [SM]

46. Whatsoever interests my leader should excite me and if it must be, it is up to me - #Nugget 46 [TO]

47. Build your life around system that works - #Nugget 47 [GL]

48. Love founded on faith and creative thinking is enduring - #Nugget 48 [OO]

49. Behind 'winning concept' is the pen that speaks wisdom - #Nugget 49 [GK]

50. Favour 'towers' above labour so shall this week favour me - #Nugget 50 [KA]

*PPE - Pastor, Professor & Engineer.

Friday, 19 March 2021

TransFORMation Journey #3

First, there is ‘the form’ and perhaps you may need to refer to earlier series #1* and #2** to enable you follow the drift. Without information about the initial form and other possibilities there can never be transformation. Instructively, the period beginning in the 70s is specifically referred to as “Information Age” for astute reasons. This era ushered in innovative and astounding technological transformation. The next era is pregnant with astronomical progress and magical touch in its appeal.

Therefore, we will be looking at the essential role that ‘inFORMation’ plays in transformation journey in this series. “Information is power”, so the famous quote says but that only holds sway when we master the act and art of putting it into good effect. George Clinton summed it up when he said that “whoever controls the flow of information dictates our perceptions and perspectives; whoever shapes the news shapes our destiny”.

The rationale for 'transFORMation' is summed up in the acronym E.A.R.N which stands for Education, Attention, Revenue and Nurturing. One common denominator having utmost relevance and significant impact across each theme is information. Undeniably, quality information is crucial for decision making at all levels in a business entity to facilitate effective and efficient operation. For example - of commerce and industry - Cherryh C. J says. “trade isn’t about goods. Trade is about information. Goods sit in the warehouse until information moves them”.

Transformation is about change. Change is human centric. Human elements are motivated by compelling story telling. It is the reason we love to be on the winning side rather than the loosing side. On the winning side, the history is not only sweet but rewarding. “Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan” that’s why most people seek to be associated with success. It is then the burden of leadership to take responsibility for success or failure in change management. If you must lead well, you must be prepared never to pass the buck but to take ownership and accountability.

#1* -

#2** -

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Got Born - #2

The nuggets compiled here-in are 4th in the series of "Group of Ten - G.O.T" - "Block of Refreshing Nuggets - B.O.R.N". Hope you are touched or inspired by at least one of them. Have a great day!

31. Nothing is hidden – It’s a secret until it’s known by someone credited with discovery, uncovering or undercovering. #Nugget31

32. Legacy never dies. I have learnt so much from Dr Myles Munro and Ubong King than when they were here. There is more to life than death. #Nugget32

33. The problem or solution is not what you think but how you think. Anyone who rejoices at others’ downfall need serious help. #Nugget33

34. When simple problem becomes intractable, check the quality of ‘leader-ship’ and ‘follower-ship’. Truth be told, the quality of ‘leader-ship’ becomes the quality of life ultimately. #Nugget34

35. Light-up Nigeria: Shall we see darkness fully eradicated from the land despite change from NEPA to PHCN unbundling (DISCOs and GENCOs) in this generation? Unless there is a change of heart and purpose driven actions, “scratching the surface” is fruitless. #Nugget35

36. As ‘face-lift’ is to an object whose condition or form has deteriorated so is ‘heart-lift’ to a soul in distress. It is never too late to crave for a lift to the height you are meant to attain. #Nugget36

37. Ignite Solutions: The folly of wishing problems away rather than addressing their root causes decisively is evident in chaos and bitter regrets. #Nugget37

38. “There is nothing new in this material world. Matter is all that matters. It takes the operation of a dynamic force or creative force to change something from one form to another”. #Nugget38

39. From “Thinking Forward” – “Think, don’t sink! There is power in thoughtfulness. Every advancement in life can be said to be a product of thoughtful actions”. #Nugget39

40. From “Nothing is Silent” – “Silence is golden, but silence speaks as well. Those little children silently neglected have grown up in their prime “as pains in our necks””. #Nugget40